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A natural way to your health


Who do we help?

The human organism in a state of health functions as one perfectly interconnected whole. Traditional Chinese medicine is one of the holistic approaches that can take care of the health of body and soul in a natural way - harmony. When harmony is broken, we get sick.
If a sick client comes to us, we look for the cause of the imbalance, eliminate it and help the body to restore harmony. We teach the client how to maintain balance in the long run.
According to Chinese medicine, disease prevention is very important. The second group of our clients consists of people who come to us precisely because of prevention. They use the methods of Chinese medicine that suit them.

What can we help you with?



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back pain, spine and joint pain, disc herniation
rheumatism, pain when the weather changes
carpal tunnel pain
pain after injuries or sports



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allergies, atopy, asthma, recurrent inflammation
autoimmune diseases, especially of the thyroid gland
conditions after borreliosis, mononucleosis, Covid 19



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supportive treatment and prevention of adverse reactions to chemotherapy and radiation in malignancies



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psychosomatic diseases in which stress and mental problems are reflected in impaired digestion, respiration, heart rhythm disorders
insomnia and irritability
exhaustion and fatigue
chronic fatigue syndrome


Skin problems

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skin disease caused by hormonal imbalance in adolescence, eczema, acne, psoriasis in adulthood



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female infertility (cycle disorders, endometriosis, cysts, IVF preparation and support)
male infertility (spermiogram disorders)


Breathing problems

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chronic rhinitis and sinusitis, polyps, olfactory loss
sore throat, congestion, cough, inability to breathe
asthma or bronchitis



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dry mouth, aphthae, burning of the tongue, heartburn, reflux, peptic ulcer disease
bloating, chronic diarrhea or constipation, inflammatory bowel disease, haemorrhoids
pain in different parts of the abdomen
gluten intolerance



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cycle disorders, hormonal imbalances, menopausal problems
chronic gynecological inflammation, endometriosis,
cervical problems, cysts and fibroids, breast problems



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inflammation of the urinary tract, difficult and painful urination, urinary stones, incontinence
benign prostatic hyperplasia, prostatitis, elevated PSA, erectile ejaculation disorders, spermiogram disorders



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Anti-aging care - skin lightening, wrinkle reduction, reduction of pigment spots, all without chemistry



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A two-year Meridian preventive health program that individually combines TCM techniques


Diagnostics or what to expect?

Chinese medicine has its own, very sophisticated system of diagnostics, thanks to which the therapist can make a perfect picture of the condition of individual organs and the organism as a whole. The basis of the whole art of correct diagnostics is an interview with the client.
The therapist will gradually discuss with you ten areas of important questions, such as thermodynamics (if you are hot-blooded or cold-blooded), breathing, digestion, sleep, pain, etc. During the interview, the therapist evaluates the overall constitution, appearance, but also breath, speech, color or tone of voice, facial expressions and gestures. In order for the picture to be comprehensive, the therapist will also be interested in your "psyche", of course only within your pleasant limits. Based on the interview, the therapist already knows what to focus on during the next examination.
The therapist then confirms their diagnosis from an examination of the tongue and the "golden nail" of the entire examination - from a pulse diagnosis, in which he evaluates the speed and character of the pulse wave at six places on his wrist.
In the end, the therapist will acquaint you with the diagnosis, suggest a method of treatment and arrange further steps with you.
The treatment is aided by the five pillars on which traditional Chinese medicine stands - acupuncture, phytotherapy, dietetics, Qi Gong and Tui Na. The selection and combination of individual methods is individual, corresponding to the needs and capabilities of each client.

Are you interested in the details of individual treatments according to traditional Chinese medicine? Just click below…

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