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Sokolovská 979/209, 190 00 Praha 9
2. patro

How to get here:

Metrem By metro (line B) to Vysočanská station, exit from the metro in the direction of Sokolovská street. When exiting the metro, turn left along Sokolovská Street and after about 80 meters (1 minute walk) there is a dark building across the street (the landmark is next to our entrance Pizzeria Coloseum). Ring the bell of the Meridian Clinic at the entrance

Autem By car - Parking is possible in the nearby shopping center Galerie Fénix, where it offers 3 hours of free parking (3 min. Walk).

Opening hours:

Monday     8:00 – 19:00
Tuesday         8:00 – 19:00
Wednesday       8:00 – 19:00
Thursday     8:00 – 19:00
Friday         8:00 – 14:00

it is possible to come ouside the opening hours after agreement
+420 774 446 679

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Virtual tour of our clinic

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